Ethos & Values
The MindMate Friendly and MindMate Champions programme helps you to plan and embed effective Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) prevention and early intervention into your school or setting.
The process to achieving MindMate Friendly status helps your setting to audit your current provision, whilst the journey to MindMate Champion status gives you a reflection tool to measure targeted and universal interventions. Alongside this, MindMate Lessons can help you build secure attachments between teachers, students and peers, whilst teaching emotional literacy, so that students have the language to articulate their needs.
We want to support you in creating spaces where all children and young people feel safe to talk about how they feel, and staff feel confident that they can respond and signpost effectively.
MindMate Champions is designed to:
- Raise practitioners’ awareness of aspects of Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) in children & young people;
- Allow practitioners to promote positive SEMH in children & young people within their setting;
- Allow practitioners to identify early indicators of SEMH issues;
- Provide practitioners with strategies for early intervention and preventative measures;
- Give practitioners the knowledge, skills and resources to support children & young people in developing positive SEMH;
- Helping practitioners working positively with other agencies.
MindMate Champions will not:
- Give practitioners the capacity to diagnose Mental Health conditions;
- Give practitioners the skills and expertise to resolve serious Mental Health conditions;
- Qualify delegates to be Mental Health practitioners – unless accredited to do so.